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In this category, you will find the answers to questions you may have while booking, paying and a week prior to your luxury getaway

Move bookingHow to book extrasCan I book several rooms in one reservation?How can I change the date of my booking?I have booked and paid but so far have not received any confirmation.What are the current Corona measures at hotels and facilities?How can I change the date of my booking?If I cancel how long will it take to get my money backCan I move my booking to another date?How is the value of the arrangements structured?What time can I check in and out?How can I cancel my booking, with the hotel or with you?How can I communicate my allergies and dietary requirements?Where to find hotel facilitiesHow are the packages structuredWhen and how can I use Pay later?Enter discount codeHow much should I pay extra for a third person in the room?How much should I pay extra to bring my child(ren)?How much does parking at the hotel cost and can I book for it?I have booked and paid but so far have not received any confirmation.I cannot select the desired date at a hotel, now what?I don't know you guys are these prices can be trustedCan I use a package for more than one personIs it possible to pass on what type of bed I want?How can I see if a room upgrade is availableCan I ask the hotel for extras that are not on the website?When is the hotel I want to book available?Can I cancel my reservation?Can I also pay on arrival at the hotel?Can I extend my stay?Can I also choose a room that is not on the website?Can I also visit a hotel on my own?Are dogs allowed in hotels?Where can I find all your affiliated hotels?Why is the price for the date I want to book more expensiveWhat is the significance of the number of stars for an accommodation?What is city tax, city/tourist tax?What do I have to pay on arrival at the hotel?How long is my discount code validDo you also have packages for singlesIf I cancel will I get my money backWhat about ParkingI have dietary requirements how do I pass them onI paid but get an error messageI booked and paid but no receipt confirmationWhere to find the conditionsI want to stay longerI want to customise the packageI only want to pay at the hotel, is that possible?I see different prices when searching how is that possibleIs it necessary to take out cancellation insuranceCan my pet come alongI want to change my bookingYou no longer have availability but the hotel does how about thatCan I also book for someone elseCan I receive my booking confirmation againCan I be on a reserve listCan I book 2 or more arrangements at the same timeCan my child joinWill the reservation fee be refunded if I cancelOn the date I want to go, I see no price listed how can that be?Should I cancel with the hotel or with ViaLuxuryWhy do I have to pay for everything nowWhy are there reservation feesWhy are some days more expensiveWhat does obvb meanWhat costs will be addedI have booked and paid but no booking confirmationWhere can I find what the cancellation period isHow does Pay later workWhere do I find how much parking costs and where it can be done.How can I cancel my booking, with the hotel or with you?

How does Pay later work

Pay later at simply means you can pay up to 10 days later than the date you book. The only condition is that the cancellation period does not expire in those 10 days.
We will send you reminders with a payment link several times during the 10 days you have to pay. If you click on that link, you have the same payment options as if you paid directly.
If you do not pay within the 10 days, we will cancel your booking and you will have to book again if you still want to go. If you already know earlier that you cannot or do not want to go, please cancel your booking via the confirmation e-mail so that we can reopen the arrangement for someone else.
This will not cost you anything extra but is just a service.