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Cookie Statement

Cookie Statement

We are Advalley B.V. Advalley B.V. also operates under the trade names ViaLuxury and ViaLuxury Deals (hereinafter referred to as Advalley, we/us, and our). Because we want to protect your privacy and improve the user-friendliness of your visit(s) to our website, we find it important that you know how and why we use cookies. Below, we provide as much information as possible about the use of cookies and how you can manage them. This cookie policy applies to all trade names/domains related to Advalley.


What are cookies?

Cookies are small (text) files stored on your computer or phone. We use cookies on certain parts of our Website and advertisements. Your web browser stores these cookies when you visit our website and (the "Website"). These cookies will be retrieved when you visit our Website again, allowing our Website to recognize you as a previous visitor.

Why do we use cookies?

By using cookies, we can see how our Website is used and how we can optimize our Website and services. Cookies also help to make the Website fast and secure. To optimize the services we provide, we use the following types of cookies:

  - Functional or necessary cookies: Functional cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the Website. Without these cookies, you cannot log in and certain settings (such as language preferences) cannot be saved.

 -  Analytical/statistical cookies: Analytical cookies are used to research the quality and effectiveness of the Website with the help of third parties. For example, we can see how many users visit the Website and which pages are visited. We use this information to improve our Website and services.

 - Tracking cookies: Tracking cookies track your click and browsing behavior. This allows us to show advertisements that match your interests. Third parties can also show you relevant advertisements.


Accepting or refusing cookies

For the cookies mentioned above, we are required to ask for your permission before placing them. We do this for everyone visiting the Website for the first time. Therefore, we display a cookie banner asking for your consent.

Once we store cookies on your device, we also save the corresponding IP address in our database. This IP address will indicate whether the cookies were accepted and at what date and time. We store this information to remember your preference. Every time you visit our Website via the same IP address, we load the correct cookie settings. This information remains valid until the cookies are deleted or you inform us of your preference changes. You can also choose to never allow cookies on your device. You can do this by adjusting your browser settings. Please note that some functions or parts of our Website may not function properly or at all without cookies.


Deleting cookies

If you do not want us to place cookies, you can refuse them. You can inform us of preference changes, where we will adjust or completely delete your data. We cannot delete cookies that have already been placed because we do not have access to your computer or phone. You can delete existing cookies yourself through your internet browser. You can find instructions for this in your internet browser's manual.


Additional cookie information

We strive to keep our cookie statement as up-to-date as possible. If there are changes regarding cookies on our Website, we will update the cookie statement as soon as possible. Where necessary, we will ask for permission to place cookies again.



Do you have questions or suggestions regarding our cookie processing? You can contact us via: Service Center Contact.


For which cookies do we ask for your consent?

We do not need to ask for consent for cookies that are essential for the functioning of our Website and do not collect personal data. We ask for permission to place the following analytical and tracking cookies: