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Here you will find the FAQ of current actions

Cashback game rules

20 Euro cashback with your booking.

On all bookings at made between 27 March 2024 and 2 April 2024 with a arrival on or before 15 May 2024 you will get €20,- back.

 Enjoy your arrangement

Fill the form and send itafter your stay but no later than 22 May 2024 to [email protected]

Receive €20.00 to the account number you provided

 Discounts are not cumulative. This promotion is not valid in combination with a discount code. Therefore, a booking fee code, Tesla code or any other discount code cannot be used in combination with this promotion either.

You can only submit your application after you have taken advantage of your stay.

  • I booked earlier can I also get a cashback à No, only bookings in the promotional period count.
  • Can I amend my booking to fall within the promotional period à No, it is not possible to modify a booking.
  • My stay starts on or before 15 May 2024 but ends later am I also eligible? à Yes, the first day of stay must be on or before 15 May 2024.
  • Can I already send in my cashback application now while my stay is not until later? à No, your request will not be considered.
  • Why can I apply only after the stay? à If you get the cashback immediately then it is no longer possible to cancel the booking.
  • I have a discount code, can I join too? à However this promotion is not cumulative with any discount code.
  • I bought/got a gift card from ViaLuxury can it be used together with the cashback?  à Yes you can if this is a gift card purchased here If the gift card was not purchased there then it is not a gift card but a discount code.
  • If I book 2 packages in the promotion period may I request cashback twice? à Yes you can, the cashback is per booking in the promotion period with a first day of stay before or on 15 May 2024