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Extensive range of hotel experiences

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Frequently asked questions

For your convenience we have selected the most frequently asked questions and provided the answers. Check our FAQ to see if your question has already been answered.

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Frequently asked questions

Should I cancel with the hotel or with ViaLuxury

You cancel with us, the easiest way is by using the button in your confirmation e-mail. If the button does not work, the cancellation period…

Goodie box

What is a Goodie box? A goodie box is a promotional package which we have put together with a number of producers. What's in the box is sti…

Enter discount code

You can do this in the third step of the booking process (Details and payment method) under the heading "discount code". This can be found u…

I want to customise the package

This is not possible, however, there are some extras that can be booked during the booking process. The package cannot be adjusted in durati…

Can I book 2 or more arrangements at the same time

Nice that you want to book multiple packages! That is indeed possible, in the 2nd step of the booking process you can add as many rooms to y…

On the date I want to go, I see no price listed how can that be?

Then we do not have a package available. Perhaps there is another package you can book for this date. Please note that you only need to chec…

If I cancel will I get my money back

If you cancel within the cancellation period you will be refunded the amount of the package, for the booking fee you will receive a discount…

How does Pay later work

Pay later at simply means you can pay up to 10 days later than the date you book. The only condition is that the cancellation …

I have booked and paid but so far have not received any confirmation.

One of the 4 below is probably the reason: Something went wrong during the booking process and no reservation was made. In this case, the p…

I want to compliment

Super that you had a good time, we would love to hear from you. You can do so by phone, web form or Trustpilot.

I want to change my booking

It is not possible to modify a package that has already been booked. What you can do is cancel the booked package and make a new booking for…

What about Parking

Sometimes the package includes free parking as part of the package. If this is not part of the package you will find the conditions of parki…

do you also have gift cards

Yes, since 14 February 2024 we have our own gift cards. Now only digitally but soon also physically. Via this page, you can order cards of d…